Special Purpose Machines: Project management

Project management at AWM means - full service engineering

We plan, de­ve­lop and pro­duce au­to­ma­ted as­sem­bly sys­tems. These are cap­able of as­semb­ling com­plex parts weigh­ing up to about 5 kg pre­cise­ly, eco­no­mi­cally and with ab­so­lute relia­bility. Our con­sul­tancy be­gins with the cus­tomer’s first pro­duct idea.


A qua­li­fied de­sign team with the la­test equip­ment will find the op­ti­mal so­lu­tion for your re­quire­ments. Cus­to­mers all over the world rely on the fact that our pro­ject ma­na­ge­ment oper­ates as per­fect­ly as our machines.


Icon Werkzeugbau Projektmanagement

Analysis, concept and sales

We work together with the customer to define the problem as precisely as possible and then develop a solution concept for the technical facilities.


Icon Werkzeugbau Konstruktion


The system concept is optimized and implemented as a design using modern CAD workstations.



Control systems

Our specialists plan and realize complex control projects in-house.


Icon Werkzeugbau Fertigung


State-of-the-art CNC machines enable high-precision cost-effective production.


Icon Werkzeugbau Montage


Our mechanics realize the assembly of our plants in team work.



Testing and optimization

We test them extensively and optimize them before we present our machines and systems to our customers




Our commissioning team performs a test run on the system once installed on site and then hands it over to the customer.




The training of your employees in the functioning, operation and maintenance of the systems is based on our documentation and takes place on the equipment on your premises.




We perform service and maintenance work quickly and reliably on site, whenever you need us.
